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Charles Manson - Interview with Brazil - June 2012

1 – How did the relationship between ATWA and Brazil begin?


2 – What are the ATWA goals and plans in Brazil and in the world?


3 – How can people help ATWA in Brazil? 

Help the me inside the you (that’s ATWA).

4 – How can ATWA carry out the revolution against pollution?

Do or die –

5 – When you talk about pollution, is it only about nature or also about people’s minds?

People are pollution.

6 – Is there some kind of hierarchy in ATWA?

(1)  Air  (2) Water  (3) Green stuff  (4) Zoo

7 - How do you plan to reach people’s consciousness?

Turn deat [sic]

8 – You have remarkable leadership skills.  Was this a natural gift?  How do you manage to be so effective?

I woke up it is my LIFE.  It is your life – all is God.  Only God can redeem it.  Only God can fix it.  That’s not religion.


Jose Eduardo Martins – Journalist, Brazil:

I am Man and I became ATWA angel.  Fernando is also Man and had his own ATWA and seen my dream, and we got within the same me on much.  His love for the trees may have saved a lot.  Because there is high level talk in low life places about moving most of the people from that space you call Brazil. 

You see the high mind of survival, if ATWA can’t be brought back from pollution already in play, so to say – stopped from movement, turned around and set to fix and improve.  The people must go before bugs birds trees and the likes of nature.

No one cares about anyone or anything outside of “Self”.  ATWA is you, for without it you would be gone and the bottom line is who needs you?  – it’s coming so I could just save you a time – A LOT of people are running for their own lives – it’s a hard nut to crack – lots of people don’t know, don’t want to know and more don’t care and others who are brain-dead, and it would be a waste to try to explain. So the vote is- bring the end before they destroy everything. 

My personal goal – is ATWA – survive and I need Air  Tree  Water and Animals. Not only do we have an out of control pollution problem, but we have millions of people too much.  Too much babies, too much heat from cities, too many cars, ozone’s-  In short-  people got to go or it all will be lost.  People’s minds are always the control centers, but they are locked.  Money, drugs, sex, power, most don’t even know. Air, Water, it’s always been there. 

It’s not me that’s effective; people are starting to see that their LIFE is in the ATWA, and coming on as Man becomes aware that man is the Will of God and the Life of man.  For real it’s all LIFE, it’s man who will redeem it, for it’s already lost. 

Allways by the past, I’ve come to know much, and one thing whatever I tell you, people try to use it back on me.  What I say they will copy, claim, use, buy and sell, destroy, and have no fairness, honor or respect for true.

To redeem what’s been lost would take ALL as ONE – all die together, all come to ATWA together – God.

Charles Milles Manson

Letter to Journalist, Brasil, June 2012


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